myCloudDoor SAP Monitoring dashboard is the ultimate Monitoring Tool for your SAP Systems
Main capabilities:
💡 Control with one single view the performance of all your SAP systems
💡 Interactive dashboard monitor your systems by groups landscapes countries...
💡 Real time monitoring at database and SAP technical level
💡 HANA database especific module
💡 Proactive and predictive alerts be ahead of the problems and solve them before it is too late
💡 Web panel dashboard access your dashboard from anywhere
SAP Monitoring Dashboard controls, among others, the following metrics: system status, system performance, work processes management, transaction log, dumps, locks, user manegement, jobs management... It is extremely simple to install; you only need to install a small non-intrusive add-on on your SAP systems. The flexibility and agility of this Power BI dashboard allow you to set up monitoring environment in minutes. Empower your SAP Basis team with this unique solution to monitor and control your SAP systems.

myCloudDoor SAP Monitoring Dashboard is the ultimate monitoring tool for your SAP systems. It analyzes in real time SAP applications performance and sends alerts when something is going to happen, anticipating to any possible problem in your systems.

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